
Regenerative Orthopedics Institute specializes in comprehensive medical, surgical and regenerative treatment of musculoskeletal disorders, including fractures, sprains, strains, arthritis and overuse injuries that involve the foot, ankle, knee, hip, shoulder, elbow, wrist or hand. Medical Director, Dr. Renee Smith, utilizes traditional orthopedic care, up to date surgical techniques and regenerative medicine as needed to provide you with the best possible outcome for your problem.

Traditional Orthopedic Care


We believe education is a big part of treatment and so our staff will utilize models, diagrams, office charts and handouts for your education.

Relative rest

Everyone knows that rest is important. But too much rest can be a bad thing. We will help you understand which activities are good, which ones are OK and which ones to avoid and for how long.


We will teach you appropriate exercises that will promote healing specific to your condition, aid in the quickest recovery possible and help prevent re-injury.


Bracing is sometimes necessary and we stock the most commonly needed braces in our office. We can fit you with your brace at the time of your visit and are happy to bill your insurance company for you.

Splinting and Casting

Immobilization using splints or casts, whether with fiberglass or plaster, is still the most common method for treating fractures and sprains.


We use steroid injections to provide relief andpromote healing by decreasing inflammation of the affected area.  These injections are safe and can be very effective in resolving bursitis and tendonitis as well as providing temporary relief from arthritis or nerve irritation.



Arthroscopy is a surgical procedure orthopedic surgeons use to visualize, diagnose, and treat problems inside a joint. Using an arthroscopic examination, an orthopedic surgeon makes a small incision in the patient’s skin and then inserts pencil-sized instruments that contain a small lens and lighting system to magnify and illuminate the structures inside the joint. Light is transmitted through fiber optics to the end of the arthroscope that is inserted into the joint. By attaching the arthroscope to a miniature television camera, the surgeon is able to see the interior of the joint through this very small incision rather than a large incision needed for surgery.
The television camera attached to the arthroscope displays the image of the joint on a television screen, allowing the surgeon to look inside the joint. Another incision is made through which the surgeon uses small, specially designed instruments to perform the surgery.
Over the years, advancements in the techniques and instruments have made it possible for surgeons to scope most major joints in the body. Knees and shoulders are the most often joints treated using arthroscopy. Major surgeries that in the past were done through large open incisions can now be done
The advantages of arthroscopy include less post operative pain and the ability to move the joint sooner after surgery for a decreased rehabilitation time.

Open reduction and internal fixation

Unfortunately, not all broken bones can be adequately treated with casting or splinting. When this is the case, surgery is necessary to align the bones and a combination of screw and plates are used to hold the bones together.

Total joint replacement

When joints wear out and become deformed, either secondary to arthritis or previous injury, limbs become painful and misaliged. We can replace the old joint by resurfacing the ends of the bones with metal caps and positioning a plastic cushion between them.

Hand surgery

Because we utilize our hands so much, nerves or tendons can sometimes become entrapped in tissue causing pain, numbness and tingling, weakness or muscle atrophy. Open surgical techniques can relieve the entrapment and the symtoms.

Foot surgery

Years of walking on our feet and putting them in shoes can cause uncomfortable deformities such as bunnions or hammer toes. These deformities can be corrected by cutting the bone and changing the angle or by realigning soft tissue thus relieving the pain.

Regenerative Medicine

Stem Cells

Every joint in the body and most tissues contain stem cells that are responsible for maintaining health in that location.  Degeneration of tissues or joints occur when the stem cell population becomes depleted and that structure losses its ability to heal itself as a result of injury of the natural aging process. Stem cell therapy is an attempt to repopulate tissues or joints with stem cells thereby restoring the body’s ability to heal itself. 
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Platelet Rich Plasma

PRP injections harness the healing power of your own blood to reduce pain in these injured tendons and promote healing and self-repair.
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